You’re Exactly Where You Should Be
Our true home is in this wildness, the unpredictability of things.
Whether you’re feeling grounded or pulled in every direction, life is always moving. There’s no need to cling to stability or fight against change—both calm and confusion are just part of how things naturally go. Everything that happens, happens—no need for more than that.
In this flow, everything simply is what it is. When we stop trying to control or force outcomes, we see that things naturally fall into place. There’s nothing to fix or figure out—it’s all just happening. The key is to allow it, and in that, we find clarity.
Our true home is in this unpredictable nature of things. Instead of resisting it, we can relax into it. Life isn’t following any plan—it’s just unfolding, and we’re a part of that. When we stop resisting and stay present, we naturally find our place in it all.
If you’re not open to this—if you’re always pushing back against how things are—what’s left? Life will keep happening whether we like it or not, so why not let go, go with it, and realize that you’re already right where you are?
Take a deep breath. Let things be.
No need to force or rush—everything is already moving. When you live in sync with that, you’ll find a quiet ease waiting for you.
~Daiki Shimada