A Zen Story - Just Go To Sleep!
”Just Go To Sleep!” highlights acceptance and living in the present.
Gasan was sitting at the bedside of Tekisui three days before his teacher's passing. Tekisui had already chosen him as his successor.
A temple recently had burned and Gasan was busy rebuilding the structure. Tekisui asked him: "What are you going to do when you get the temple rebuilt?"
"When your sickness is over we want you to speak there," said Gasan.
"Suppose I do not live until then?"
"Then we will get someone else," replied Gasan.
"Suppose you cannot find anyone?" continued Tekisui.
Gasan answered loudly: "Don't ask such foolish questions. Just go to sleep."
This koan highlights the importance of staying present and not getting bogged down by hypothetical worries. Gasan’s blunt response, “Just go to sleep,” encourages a focus on the present moment and practical action. It reminds us to trust that things will unfold as they should and not to stress over what we cannot control.
Sometimes, the best thing we can do is to simply rest and let things be!